Wednesday 20 July 2016

Top 5 Wednesday - Most Recent Additions To Your Wishlist - 20th July 2016

Hello, it has been a couple weeks since i have done a T5W, but i decided to do it this week and the topic for this week is the most recent additions to your wish list. This was a bit tough for me because i don't tend to have a wish list so i went by the books i have pre ordered recently and books that i have only just heard about ....

5. The Winter King - Thomas Penn

I have fallen back in love with the Tudor period but this time more with early Tudors and the tv documentary on this book is one of my favourites you can find it on youtube it is fascinating.

4.Summer Days & Summer Night - Edited by Stephanie Perkins

I read the Christmas version of this the past two years but i have been in a reading slump so i haven't been buying many books so this is still on my list but right now we are having amazing weather in London so i am really feeling summer books right now.

3. Imprudence - Gail Carriger 

I read the first book in this series and then forgot about the rest of the series this book is released tomorrow and i forgot to pre order it so i am going to order it tomorrow off of Book Depository.

2. Henry - Tony Riches

I read Owen the first book in this series earlier this year and i still have Jasper the second book to read but physically cannot wait to read this book. 

1. Harry Potter and The Cursed Child -  J K Rowling

I think this will be on everybody's list because i mean we didn't think we were ever going to get more and now we are the only thing is i thin everybody has such high expectations that it will probably disappoint and i really don't want that to happen.

Top 5 Wednesday was created by GingerReadsLainey
Currently being run By  ThoughtsOnTomes
Here is the goodreads page

Here is the full list of participants - Wednesday-Ers

Until Next Time
Happy Reading

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